فارسی عربي


Fajr flick unveils ifilm actor photo

Fajr flick 'Watching this Film is a Crime' has unveiled photo of ifilm series actor Amir Aqaee prior to the major Iranian filmfest.

The actor on ifilm series 'The Innocent Ones' is one of the main cast members in Reza Zehtabchian's directorial debut.

The flick will run at the New Look section of 37th edition of Fajr Film Festival to be held in late January and early February.

The actor wrote on his social media page, “The film was my first project this year. I wish a safe landing at the [Fajr] festival.”

‘Watching this Film is a Crime’ is themed on politics and revolves around a hostage-taking story.

A brief synopsis of the film reads, “I just wanted 5-minute- footage so that I could defend my wife and daughter later. But, they didn’t let me… the [police] sirens are getting closer… they’re rushing here now in numbers.”

